What’s Playing in May

I think the reasonable amount of movies I can watch in a month is about 20-ish.

May was finals month. I watched some teen movies (atypical, I know). I watched one movie a few times, so I actually watch more than the list? (This is the weirdest intro I’ve written).

Welp, here goes the list:

  1. Something’s Gotta Give (2003)
  2. Say Anything (1989)
  3. The Big Short (2015)
  4. Dan in Real Life (2007)
  5. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
  6. American Psycho (2000)
  7. The DUFF (2015)
  8. The Edge of Seventeen (2016)
  9. Head Over Heels (2012 short)
  10. Four Weddings and A Funeral (1994)
  11. The Social Network (2010)
  12. Father of The Bride (1991)
  13. The Spectacular Now (2013)
  14. Seeking A Friend for The End of The World (2012)
  15. The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)
  16. Under The Tuscan Sun (2003)
  17. In The Loop (2009)
  18. America’s Sweethearts (2001)
  19. (500) Days of Summer (2009)
  20. The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
  21. 10 Years (2011)
  22. Chungking Express (1994)
  23. Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
  24. Ghostbusters (1984)
  25. It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
  26. You’ve Got Mail (1998)
  27. Don’t Breathe (2016)
  28. Wonder Woman (2017)

I watched some of Steve Carell’s movies. Turns out I like him, borderlining crush. And John Cusack’s too!!

The Story:

I finally watched film no. 2. It’s not what I expected??? It’s more drama-y than I thought. Damnn film no. 3 might be my new favorite movie. Seru dan lucu bgt woy?? Bener-bener kocak dan ternyata I enjoy watching Ryan Gosling acted as a shitty person. Eh bukan shitty yg nyebelin beneran gitu sih, lebih ke nyebelin-tai. Gua nonton ini sampe berkali-kali deh. Gua pun berhasil menyeret teman untuk nonton dan suka sama film ini.

I watched film no. 5 twice in cinema. I don’t even like it that much. Film no. 7 bikin gua bingung. It started as a smart teen-comedy kinda thing, but it ended horribly. Well, it went south about halfway into the movie. Nah film no. 8 nihh good teen movie. Suka deh gua masa sama ini film. Cukup realistis lah.

Remember when I said I thought Serendipity was John Cusack’s peak? WRONG. Gua nonton film no. 18 dan ya astaga itu deh kayaknya peak-nya John. Cakep bgt di situ mas??? Kayaknya usia 30an memang pas peak gitu ya, ga tua ga muda, cucok.

Okay, this can be confusing, but I wrote the previous paragraph before I watched film no. 23. And damnn John Cusack was also fine in that. Gua jadi gatau peak-nya di mana.

Ternyata gua gasuka film no. 19 lebih dalam daripada yang gua kira. Pertama nonton, gua gasuka Summer, abis itu gua pikir-pikir, yang salah adalah Tom. Setelah nonton lagi….eleuh-eleuh emang semuanya aja salah. Bikin kesel lah semua karakternya hahaha kayak Eternal Sunshine (eh lebih parah itu film sih).

Duh gatau kenapa kok males banget ya nulis komentar-komentar tentang film-film ini??? Padahal ini film terbanyak yang gua tonton dalam satu bulan loh sejauh ini.

Mungkin karena gua nonton film-film ini sebagai pelarian kali ya? (pelarian dari apa coba).

Well I hope I can write better for the next entry.