
I sure have grown a lot in the course of a year. One particular thing that I currently am experiencing is that I don’t really care about what others do. So a short backstory, I used to have an intense fear of missing out, or fomo. I often left an event or place as the last person, because I really didn’t want to miss anything, be it a conversation or a funny thing that might happen.

But now really, I don’t even bother to leave my house. No event is too interesting or important for me to be the last to leave. Sure, if I see some photos of my friends’ get-together I kinda want to be there, but there’s no intense missing out feeling anymore. I’ve transcended that.

And many other things that mark my progress as a person, but right now this is the only thing that passes my mind hahaha. Ok bye I hope 2017 won’t suk. Cheers.

a little less sweet

Nostalgia sure feels bitter.

I can even taste it on my tongue.

They say it’s bittersweet, I think it tastes like 90% dark chocolate.

Maybe that’s why I like nostalgia so dearly.


sorry for the not-so-good quality but this scene always makes me feel nostalgic (well the whole movie actually, but this particular scene hits home like no other).


I’ve always wanted to consume less meat. Actually, what I really want is to go meat-free, anything four legs, two legs, even no legs-free. But it is so hard. It seems that I can’t get past a week.

But every time I eat meat, I feel bad.

Should I really try to go four legs-free next year? At least transitioning is one big step.